The right things to do for a greener hotel

Wastefulness, constant production of waste, high consumption of electricity, the hotel sector is today one of the most polluting in the world.

The arrival of ecological tourism and “green” hotels shows the willingness of the hotel and tourism sector to combat climate change by entering the ecological transition. Today, the efforts of hotels are recognized both by the specialized press and by customers who favor and do not hesitate to share: committed establishments.

Being a Green hotel means taking concrete action on a daily basis:

For rooms

  • Give preference to reusable smart cards.
  • Invite guests to keep their towels and sheets for three days in order to maximize laundry and thus water and electricity consumption.
  • Providing several labelled bins in the rooms in order to promote selective sorting
  • Install low-flow devices such as faucets, shower heads, toilets, etc.

Common areas

  • For lobbies and areas facing the outside keep the doors closed to maintain a constant temperature and thus avoid overheating or air conditioning.
  • Install high-performance, low-energy hand dryers in common bathrooms to eliminate paper use.
  • Use certified household cleaning products.

In food service areas

  • Sort all waste into separate bins
  • Prioritize bulk products, glass bottles, and washable dishes to minimize waste.
  • Offering local or low carbon footprint products

The right economical and anti-waste plan: Opt for the Kitro solution: A high quality solution for automated monitoring of food waste. Created by two Alulmi from the Ecole H�telli�re de Lausanne, this technology allows you to act against food waste and reduce your costs.

Employees and administrative management

  • Establish a policy of recycling hotel documents for administrative employees.
  • Give preference to dematerialized documents such as e-mails over paper flyers.
  • Set up bicycle-friendly areas and provide employees with access to showers to encourage them to come by bike and not by car. 

In general terms:

  • Provide a 100% non-smoking indoor environment for customers and employees
  • Provide dedicated parking spaces for low-emission and fuel-efficient vehicles. And setting up charging stations for eclectic vehicles
  • To be used in case of renovation work on materials, insulating paint…, environment-friendly.
  • Replace all conventional lighting with LED bulbs

You will have understood him no need to rebuild his hotel entirely, no need to change everything. Concrete gestures are enough to make your hotel go “GREEN”!